Thursday, June 13, 2013

Back on the Hoss

It's been a while... I've talked, out loud and to myself, quite a bit about starting to write again. However, every time I sat down to write, the words flowing from my fingers were dark, and probably not the sort of thing people wanted to hear.

Self censorship... Yeah, I suppose.

The sun has returned, my skin doesn't hurt and I have created a new monthly project that I LOVE. So, things are good right now. :-)

What's this monthly project you ask? Well, it's the Dangerously Talented Friday! The DTF began from an accident. Well, a couple great ideas, some inspired creation, an accident, and then an even greater idea.

I planned to have a talent show at my birthday cabin weekend back in March. One evening, while my good buddy Ashley(The Pianist) and I were watching Fantasia and having our consciousness altered by the wonderful herb known as cannabis, we had a brilliant idea. Let's write a mini musical to perform at the talent show. YES.

Not only was this a great idea, but we began to execute on it. We scheduled writing/practice sessions at every opportunity and in just a few weeks we were ready to unleash The Origin on the world. Well, on the birthday weekend people anyway. :-)

Then, the accident. After all the practicing of the musical and planning of sing-alongs, I forgot to bring my guitar...

I was super bummed about this and I let a cloud hang over me for much of the weekend. Despite this, the weekend and the talent show was a great success. For the show, I whipped out my rendition of the ever popular Great Smoke-off by Shel Silverstien and everyone was suitably impressed. :-)

The Pianist and I agreed that we would figure out a time to perform our musical for people once we got back to Seattle. But then, on my bike ride home, I had the brilliant idea.

I will have another talent show at which we will present The Origin. However, this will not just be a singular talent show, this will be the beginning of Dangerously Talented Friday. A monthly talent/variety show to showcase our friend's talents and inspire us to be creative and improve our talents!

So far, I have held two of them and they were both HUGE successes. I've received so much positive feedback about the show. People love having a friendly place to try performing and also seeing their friends be amazing. We've had belly dancing, improvisation, many music acts(including beatboxing!), drama, juggling, stand-up comedy and even a surprise appearance by an illusionist on a Segway. At the DTF, instead of everyone being a critic, everyone is a FAN. Because of this, people who have never performed before are empowered to perform their hearts out in a raw and honest way.

For me, it's a project to pour myself into. It's a source of motivation and an outlet for my creative desires. It's a way for me to spend time with my friends who want to practice for the show. And finally, it's party full of so much positivity and fun that I can't imagine a better way to spend a Friday night.

Some of you reading this have already been to a DTF. Many of you have yet to see one. I hope that one way or another, you are able to make it to a show or I'm able to bring the show to you.

That's all for now, I promise to write again soon. <3

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